particle n. 1.颗粒,微粒;微量,极少量。 2.【物、数】粒子,质点。 3.【语法】虚词,不变词〔冠词、副词、介词、连接词、感叹词等〕;小品词 〔yes, no 等〕,词缀。 4.〔古语〕(文件中的)条,项。 5.【天主教】一小片圣饼。 He has not a particle of sense. 他一点脑子也没有。 fundamental [elementary] particles 【物理学】基本质点,基本粒子。
number n. 1.数;数字;〔pl.〕算术。 2.(汽车等的)号码;第…,第…卷,第…期〔通常略作 No. (复数 Nos.),用于数字之前〕。 3.伙伴;号子,囚犯。 4.数目;〔pl.〕大批,数量上的优势,许多,若干。 5.【乐、韵】音律,韵律;〔pl.〕【音乐】乐谱,调子,节奏,拍子;〔pl.〕【诗】诗,韵文;【语法】数。 6.〔口语〕(从多数当中挑选出来的)人,物。 7.一群人,一帮人。 cardinal [ordinal] numbers 基[序]数。 an even [odd] number 偶[奇]数。 a whole [an integral] number 整数。 the acid number 【化学】酸值。 the atomic number 原子序数。 a high [low] number 大[小]数。 the science of numbers 算术。 a telephone number 电话号码。 the number of a car 车号。 a dead number 空号。 the April number (杂志的)四月号。 Nos. 1-5 第一号到第五号。 No. 9 (pill) 〔美军〕百宝丹,清导丸,通便丸。 He is not of our number. 他可不是我们中的一分子。 He is among the number of the dead. 他也在死亡之列。 a number of books 许多书。 a great [large] number of people 很多很多的人。 the singular [plural] number 单[复]数。 a number of 若干;〔口语〕=numbers of 许多的。 back number 过了期的一期报刊杂志;过时的人或事物;落后、顽固、反动的人物。 by number= in numbers. get [have] sb.'s number 〔美俚〕对某人的性格、动机等作确实的估价。 have sb.'s number on it 〔美俚〕注定是某人死亡的原因。 in number 总共;用数字表示,在数字上。 in numbers (杂志等)分为数册,分数次(The story is issued in numbers. 那部小说是分册出版的)。 in round numbers 以整数[约数]表示;约莫,大概;总而言之。 lose the number of one's mess 〔英海军行话〕死,“报销”。 make up by numbers 以多为胜。 number one 1. 头号(的),第一流(的)。 2. 〔口语〕自己;自己的利益(take care of [look after] number one 替自己打算)。 3. 〔口语〕小便。 numbers pool 猜数字小赌博。 One's number is up. 〔俚语〕某人劫数[死期]已到。 one's number two 副手,副职,接班人。 one's opposite number 对等的人[物]。 out of [without] number(s) 无数的。 the numbers =numbers pool. There are numbers who .... …的人很多。 to the number of …多到。 win by (force of) numbers 靠人多得胜。 without [beyond] number=out of number. vt. 1.给…编号[记号数,加号码]。 2.达…之数,共计…,(人口)有…。 3.算入…(数)内;认为 (among in with)。 4.〔主用被动形〕已有限定,有限;〔古,雅〕数,计算。 5.活了…岁,足…岁。 The guests number 20. 客人有二十位。 His days are numbered. 他(在世)的日子不多了。 vi. 算在…数内;计;报数。 number off 〔上操〕报数;〔口令〕号码! n. -er 编号人;计数员。
The particle number increased with surfactant and initiator concentration though the data are insufficient for evaluating the nature of these relationships . 粒子数随表面活性剂和引发剂的浓度而增加,虽然数据还不足以评价这些关系的本质。
Mean leading particle number and mass effects 平均领头粒子数与质量效应
Determination of impurities particles number in polyvinyl chloride paste resins 聚氯乙烯糊树脂中杂质粒子数测定方法
The result shows that the particle numbers in the two states oscillate with time due to the asymmetric perturbations dependent on the coordinate 结果表明,在与坐标有关的不对称的微扰的作用下,两个态上的粒子数是随时间振荡的。
On the other hand, a thermal number state is defined in the coordinate representation . then the position variance and the variance of the particle number are given in the r |-? space-time 另一方面本文构造了热化粒子态,并在-时空中给出了热化粒子态的波函数,几率密度,以及其位置的变化和粒子数目的变化。
Bose-einstein condensation, although more than 70 years old, is bringing to the science fresh air . chapter ii gives the relation between the critical temperature and the particle number through a direct numeric summary 第二章主要用数值求和的方法研究了理想气体玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚转变温度与粒子数的关系。
From the number of particles in two near bins of the histogram, we can calculate the relative fluctuation of particle number . these pictures on relative fluctuations are the same as those of well-known soc systems 在直方图中每一个小间隔内都有一定数量的粒子,利用相邻间隔内粒子的数目我们可以计算出粒子数的相对起伏。
For the transition induced by the asymmetric perturbations is double-direction, the particle number in the core state is always less half of the total particle number . so, from the point of view of average over time, it is a coexisting state of rotating and without rotating that is formed . this state which is in the josephson tunneling regime of the macroscopic quantum tunneling is a quantum self-trapping state 由于不对称的微扰引起的跃迁是双向的,使得核心态上的粒子数总是少于总粒子数的一半,因此从时间平均的角度看,形成的是旋转的和不旋转的态共存的状态,而且处于宏观量子隧穿的约瑟夫森隧穿区域中,是量子自束缚状态。
For the transition induced by the asymmetric perturbations is double-direction, the particle number in the core state is always less half of the total particle number . so, from the point of view of average over time, it is a coexisting state of rotating and without rotating that is formed . this state which is in the josephson tunneling regime of the macroscopic quantum tunneling is a quantum self-trapping state 由于不对称的微扰引起的跃迁是双向的,使得核心态上的粒子数总是少于总粒子数的一半,因此从时间平均的角度看,形成的是旋转的和不旋转的态共存的状态,而且处于宏观量子隧穿的约瑟夫森隧穿区域中,是量子自束缚状态。
The particles aggregation was simulated using particle-cluster and cluster-cluster aggregation model . several type of floes was reached and its morphological characteristics was analyzed the fractal dimension, density and porosity of floes was studied by changing sticking probabilities, sticking position, particle number, particle concentration, difrusion coefficient and motion trajectory . the parameters by which special floes growth were determined . in the study of morphology, floes of yellow river's loess particles was observed by tv-microscope . its morphological characteristics were obtained by image analysis . the effect of fractal dimensions by stirring time strring speed, macromolecule flocculant dosage, flocculant concentration and particle concentration was studie . its rule of change was obtained . on the basis of other studies, the flocculation kinetics and floes structure was studied 本文应用计算机模拟技术,在二维空间内采用单体凝聚和集团??集团凝聚两种模型对颗粒凝聚过程进行了模拟,得到了多种形态的絮体,并对絮体进行了形态分析,通过改变粘附概率、粘附位置、颗粒数量、颗粒浓度、扩散系数和运动路径等模拟参数,我们考察了絮体分形维数、密度和孔隙率随模拟条件变化的影响规律,得到了形成特定形态絮体的控制参数。