
particle number中文是什么意思

  • 《英汉医学词典》particle number
  • 粒子数



  • 例句与用法
  • The particle number increased with surfactant and initiator concentration though the data are insufficient for evaluating the nature of these relationships .
  • Mean leading particle number and mass effects
  • Determination of impurities particles number in polyvinyl chloride paste resins
  • The result shows that the particle numbers in the two states oscillate with time due to the asymmetric perturbations dependent on the coordinate
  • On the other hand, a thermal number state is defined in the coordinate representation . then the position variance and the variance of the particle number are given in the r |-? space-time
  • Bose-einstein condensation, although more than 70 years old, is bringing to the science fresh air . chapter ii gives the relation between the critical temperature and the particle number through a direct numeric summary
  • From the number of particles in two near bins of the histogram, we can calculate the relative fluctuation of particle number . these pictures on relative fluctuations are the same as those of well-known soc systems
  • For the transition induced by the asymmetric perturbations is double-direction, the particle number in the core state is always less half of the total particle number . so, from the point of view of average over time, it is a coexisting state of rotating and without rotating that is formed . this state which is in the josephson tunneling regime of the macroscopic quantum tunneling is a quantum self-trapping state
  • For the transition induced by the asymmetric perturbations is double-direction, the particle number in the core state is always less half of the total particle number . so, from the point of view of average over time, it is a coexisting state of rotating and without rotating that is formed . this state which is in the josephson tunneling regime of the macroscopic quantum tunneling is a quantum self-trapping state
  • The particles aggregation was simulated using particle-cluster and cluster-cluster aggregation model . several type of floes was reached and its morphological characteristics was analyzed the fractal dimension, density and porosity of floes was studied by changing sticking probabilities, sticking position, particle number, particle concentration, difrusion coefficient and motion trajectory . the parameters by which special floes growth were determined . in the study of morphology, floes of yellow river's loess particles was observed by tv-microscope . its morphological characteristics were obtained by image analysis . the effect of fractal dimensions by stirring time strring speed, macromolecule flocculant dosage, flocculant concentration and particle concentration was studie . its rule of change was obtained . on the basis of other studies, the flocculation kinetics and floes structure was studied
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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particle number的中文翻译,particle number是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译particle number,particle number的中文意思,particle number的中文particle number in Chineseparticle number的中文particle number怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
